Heidi in May at her 50th bday party

Heidi in May at her 50th bday party
The odds-on favorite

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 60 almost

At the South end of Lake Union
Tomorrow is Day 60.  All is fine at apartment 311 these days.  Still battling magnesium loss with 8 magnesium oxide pills + 500 ml of (currently) 48 meq magnesium sulfate daily.

Heidi went out for her first run since the transplant.  She's been walking a lot every day, but today was the first time running.  Sort of running.  Well, she had running clothes on, anyway.  That counts.

Riding the SLUT with Kylah

The large pelvis woman who was kind enough to donate her valuable bone marrow obviously had some good stuff.  Heidi's immune system is almost all donor now and it's settling in real nice.  No fevers, no rejection issues, no real problems.  We call that good stuff.

I'm still concerned that some day the large pelvis donor will read this and conclude that we are ungrateful and undeserving of her generosity because I refer to her as the large pelvis donor.  Somehow I need to make it clear that past Scott who wrote this diatribe was the ungrateful one.  Future Scott, who exists when this is being read way in the future is not like this at all. 

Hangin' with the grands
Perhaps it would be more convincing if I stopped referring to her as the large pelvis donor.  So from now I will refer to her as Marcia, because she is like a big sister—an old-fashioned Brady Bunch kind of big sister.  Future Scott calls her Marcia and says nothing about pelvis size.  Future Scott only talks about Marcia's superior immune system.  Future Scott sounds like a cool guy.  I gotta try to be like him.

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