Heidi in May at her 50th bday party

Heidi in May at her 50th bday party
The odds-on favorite

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 1 at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

 Just a quick note to say we arrived in Seattle Monday night (so actually, this is Day 3, depending on how you count days) and arrived at SCCA yesterday.  (Hmmm, perhaps this should really be called Day 2 . . .)
Those of you who are unfamiliar with the gravity of getting the correct day count should refer back to the Day Counting Video.

We are living at the SCCA House, which is their short-term housing.  We are on a waiting list for the Pete Gross House.  Hopefully that will come through soon, because it will be a little more comfortable.  In the meantime, our address is
207 Pontius Ave N  APT 413
Seattle, WA  98109-5652

Yesterday was an easy day at the clinic with just a meet 'n greet, a blood draw and a short physical.  Heidi said they took 14 vials of blood—they don't like to do things halfway here.  All that took only a few hours.

Today isn't much harder.  We reported to the clinic at 11am for an EKG.  Next is a meeting with finance.  Later she has a pulmonary test and some x-rays. 

Rest assured I will be monitoring the float planes and seagulls daily
So far the schedule isn't too bad.  I was able to log on to my work computer this morning and get some work done.  Still on a vacation mindset, though, so I need to start getting up earlier.  We located a Starbucks that is only a few blocks out of the way on our walk here; I can tell already that is going to become a much too regular habit.  Maybe we'll have time to do some grocery shopping later.

I think I forgot to send thanks to Karen and Laura W. for joining the Bone Marrow registry.  When this is all over I will have to count all the people who joined at Heidi's instigation.

Also, full kudos to those who have pledged to support me on The Big Climb.  Tom & Laura, Lisa, Shawn & Laurie, Hide & Audrey, Cindy, and Bill & Monica.  Plus others (including my bro, David) who have pledged support for Alex and Cody, my teammates for The Big Climb.  Heidi and I thank you, and so does the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. 

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