Heidi in May at her 50th bday party

Heidi in May at her 50th bday party
The odds-on favorite

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Be a Perfect 10 match

The finest chapeaus on the South Lake Union
Trolley this evening
Bo Derek must be making a comeback because a perfect 10/10 match has been found!  Before we left Tucson in January there were a number of paltry 9/10 matches; y'all already knew that stale news.  Apparently they were still searching for a better match and now one was found.  We don't have any details about this mystery person, but apparently we can unfriend the chick in Germany whose antigens could only muster 9 out of 10 the same as Heidi.

The world of HLA matching is kind of interesting.  If you want to get all mathy, peruse to the BeTheMatch site or this Stanford site.  The chance of a single sibling matching is only 25%, which means that maybe Robin is not adopted.  Siblings either are a perfect 10/10 or they don't match at all.  With strangers there is a vast grey area from zero to a potential 100%. 

Not much happening on the treatment front.  Heidi had only one appointment today, a blood draw to test her counts.  Her neutrophils are still low, which means we have to avoid sick people and suspect food.  Most of the big tests are complete and now we just wait for results.  This last-minute change in donors will delay the start of treatment by a few more days, meaning we have more time to vacation and play in Seattle.  The original plan called for not much happening next week with chemotherapy starting the first of March.  Not sure how much this latest development will delay things.

I've mentioned several times how disappointing it is to run across Broadway with no posse in sight.  Well, here is something even better, the SCCA Rap.  Check it out.

Also forgot to mention that when I gave blood on Tuesday there was a special page in the multipage disqualification notebook on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  The vampire tech working there told me it's been there since last June.  It wasn't in the Red Cross disqualification literature the last time I donated in Tucson.

1 comment:

  1. You've recruited another one - registered with kit on the way.
