Heidi in May at her 50th bday party

Heidi in May at her 50th bday party
The odds-on favorite

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Puke free since Chemo Three

Even talking on the phone is too much work
More nausea and less energy after Day 5 of chemo.  Tomorrow is a "rest" day and then Friday is Irradiation day.  That will be the biggest test of "Iron-gut" Heidi.  So far the chemo is putting up a good fight, but Heidi's new mantra:  Puke-free since Chemo Three is still holding true.  Can she remain true to it after TBI?  Stay tuned.

In full disclosure, I must point out that the last time Heidi puked was after her second round of chemotherapy when she got the Klepsiella infection.  But mantras don't sound strong unless they rhyme.  So while it is technically true she is puke-free since chemo two, her new mantra is Puke-Free since Chemo Three.  You're gonna be repeating that to all your friends tomorrow.

In keeping with Patient Safety Awareness Week, let me tell you about what they refer to at the clinic as The Three F's.  These F's are not the F's you are thinking about right now, and don't pretend that you aren't.  They are Falling, Fever and Frowing up.  The nurses, doctors and caregivers are always asking Heidi about any F's.  So far she hasn't f__in' done any of them.  Hopefully it stays that way. 

It appears I have nothing of import to blog about.  Heidi ate very little and napped most of the day.  Her blood counts are falling and her pill count is rising.  But fortunately no fevers.  Or falling.  And no talking to Ralf on the big white Fone.

Thank you to everyone who tried to contact her recently.  She's laying low for now.

1 comment:

  1. what about fongis? why aren't the nurses concerned about them?
