Heidi in May at her 50th bday party

Heidi in May at her 50th bday party
The odds-on favorite

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Schedule for departure

Out at Blanco with Tom & Laura
Got a call from the transplant coordinator today with a new schedule.  Our first day at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance will be February 8.  That will be day 1 (depending on how you count days) of a four-month stint in Seattle.  The chosen donor, who matches 9 out of 10 matchy things (they have a technical term for it, but I'm trying not to get too techy on ya) doesn't live in this country.  That's right, international.  So on donation day, it will have to be flown in from wherever else in the world the person lives. 

They were hoping for a perfect 10/10 match.  But Heidi is, in the coordinators words, a little too unique on that tenth matchy thingy.  Those weren't all her words, but I'm trying not to get too techy on ya.

There is one trial associated with this treatment plan.  We need to research it and figure out what it's about.  No injected isotopes this time.  Heidi says I can't take my Geiger counter anymore.  Damn!

This Saturday is our Damn, we're not kicked out of our home to do more Chemo party.  We're amazed at how many people are coming.  From out of town, Tom & Laura are already here.  Fred & Lisa fly in tomorrow night.  Alex & Lis are driving down from the hippy end of the state (the part of the state that recently carried the medical marijuana vote).  Those of you who can't make it, don't worry, because we will definitely be doing another party after we return.  Well, not immediately after we return because that will be June.  We have close friends, but even they aren't devoted enough to visit us in Tucson in the summer. 

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